1. Download the HW03.cpp program from webhd.mcu.edu.tw.
2. Excute and trace the program.
3. Study the codes of getting blue images. What is the purpose of variables x, y, ptr1, and ptr2? Student MUST write the tracing process in a paper.
4. Extend the HW01.cpp program to generate four videos. The first, second, and third are videos with blue, green, and red colors, respectively.
5. Find the bug hiding in the codes to insert a logo into an image.
6. Extend the HW01.cpp program to insert a logo into a video at the bottom-left corner.
7. Extend the above program such that the logo can be moved from the top to the bottom in the displayed window.
8. Post your results to HWShow.
The goal of this homework is to study techniques of accessing values of pixel in color images and gray iamges.